Futures of Mobility in Thailand 2030 | 2nd Edition
“Mobility” means traveling or being able to travel from one place to another. Mobility depends on factors such as the economic system, infrastructure
Futures of Play in Thailand 2030 | 2nd Edition
Leisure activities entertain and relax people and promote interaction.
Futures of Learning in Thailand 2030 | 2nd Edition
“Humans learn from the first breath until their last.” Promoting good lifelong learning can play an important role in letting them know and develop
Futures of Living in Thailand 2030 | 2nd Edition
Our future lives will be defined by our past. Look deeper, though, and our world has become more complex.
Futures of Work in Thailand 2030 | 2nd Edition
Rapid changes in technology, politics, economy, society will have a huge impact on future work.
The Futures of Workforce 2035
Imagine going to work in ten years and finding it drastically different from how things are today.