Gen Y like to travel often, but not for long

ARTICLES | Mar 03, 2022
Gen Y like to travel often, but not for long

Gen Y in the workforce have the strength to travel. They travel often, averaging 4.3 times a year[1], but don’t take long vacations, unlike the previous generation. They spend only a few days on each trip but see a variety of places and enjoy a range of experiences.

"Gen Y don’t travel to relax."

Unlike previous generations, Gen Y don't see tourism as a chance to chill. They explore areas, gain new experiences. They want to see surrounding communities and discover interesting aspects and activities.

"Social media helps plan trips"

Social media is Gen Y's best friend. Social media helps them plan, check reviews, and find new places off the beaten track and away from crowds.

Gen Y buy through digital payment rather than cash. Destinations that accept card payment are preferred. Even small local shops are now adapting to the cashless society.

Some Gen Y are also preparing for metaverse tourism, with a full experience on a lower budget. They are also ready to leave reviews to tell others how they feel after a new travel experience.

"Travel is an important experience for Gen Y."

For Gen Y, experience gained from travel is invaluable. They choose exotic places not popular tourist destination. They take advice from locals to live differently, to relax, to gain new experiences, and – above all – to get interesting photos and content to share with their friends.

Sustainable tourism appeals to Gen Y, bringing it into the mainstream. They want to conserve resources and traditional ways of life, so they chose to support small shops and small businesses run by locals, rather than big businesses that most people are used to.

"How will Gen Y travel after COVID-19?"

Tourism halted in the pandemic. But surveys show Gen Y will be the first group ready to travel again, as they have the health, freedom, and cash.

While long-distance travel has paused, Gen Y in Thailand are taking outings, doing outdoor activities or visiting cafés. They are still concerned about the COVID-19 situation and are trying to choose places with screening or regular disinfection.

Are you Gen Y? Please tell us about your latest trip or weekend activities in the comments. We’d love to know your views and experiences.

Information from:,,,, [1],,

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