The World Getting Ready For A Floating Living

ARTICLES | Oct 09, 2021
The World Getting Ready For A Floating Living
The World Getting Ready For A Floating Living

The World Getting Ready For A Floating Living

The next generation may have to live on water as well as land! 

The world has begun to prepare for climate change and natural disasters. Sea levels are starting to rise, leading to severe land loss. Shipbuilders in many countries are now paying more attention to building floating homes that can be as comfortable as houses. 

China, Sweden, Finland, and France are also developing ambulance ships like large hospitals. A ship to hold 1,000 people with 6 operating theaters is scheduled to begin trial services in 2022. 

Such developments show that many people are preparing for coming changes. They are looking for alternative ways to live, on land, at sea, or alternating between them. 


Implications for the future 

- Living on the ground may become a status symbol by the end of the 21st century. 

-Marine survival skills such as swimming, fishing, and sailing may become compulsory at school. 

-Deal with rapidly changing natural conditions calls for cooperation from all sectors to design a city that can withstand every disaster. 


Sources:, incredible-floating, 

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