
ARTICLES | Jun 04, 2021

Exoskeletons are an innovation that can bring hope for the injured and paralyzed, letting them regain movement using just their brain.

Wearable as a genius external skeleton, exoskeletons have been created for medical, industrial, and military uses. They are still in constant development. The global market is expected to total $6 billion within a decade.

Once fully developed and widely available, exoskeletons will be used in areas such as construction and manufacturing that place high demands on workers. Exoskeletons improve the performance of the body and reduce stress on muscles and joints too.

In medicine, exoskeletons can rejuvenate bodies and help the injured and disabled as well as patients with Parkinson's disease. Hospital treatment times can also be reduced.

Implications for the future:

- Exoskeletons will become very popular and be used for more purposes as the population ages. They could help older adults become more flexible and reduce work-related injuries, such as repetitive strain injuries and arthritis.

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