ARTICLES | Jun 15, 2024



Companies can boost mental health, job satisfaction, and happiness by appreciating their staff – and 76% of employees and job seekers see diversity as an important issue for finding on a job.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEI & B) isn’t only an ethical responsibility but a strategic goal for their staff’s good health.
Organizations that promote and manage diversity well play an important role in providing a psychological safe space where staff feel part of the team and organization. It also has a positive relationship with the emergence of innovative ideas (up 1.7 times) and creativity. Troubleshooting, participation, adaptability, and collaboration within teams boosts efficiency, productivity, loyalty to the organization, and consumer satisfaction by as much as 81%, as well as the organization's public reputation. Organizations with a diverse workforce are 70% more likely to capture market share and 35% more likely to experience financial returns.
Focusing on diversity also plays a role in promoting the potential of countries and the world. The World Economic Forum estimates that reducing gender inequality could increase global GDP by US$28 trillion. By 2025, investment in diversity-friendly organizations is expected to increase from US$7.5 billion in 2020 to US$15.4 billion by 2025.
Accepting and promoting diversity not only directly affects the well-being of employees. It is also important to promote positive factors for employees as national and global citizens. However, there are still many challenges, including prejudice that leads to both intentional and unintentional discrimination. It is estimated that it will take another 151 years for the world to close gender-specific inequality gaps at all levels.
Important implications for the future:
- The inclusion of knowledge about feminism, diversity, and gender equality in educational curricula and pre-employment programs is increasingly being discussed.
- Questions arise over the differences between equality and equity.
- Organizations that proclaim their support for freedom and diversity have been exposed for creating a superficial image for marketing. Organizations must study and pay serious attention to such issues with projects that can be measured and truly have a positive impact on society.
Read More: Future 2030, Who Run The World - Girls!
The New DE&I Playbook—5 Key Actions to Create Sustained, Systemic Culture Change
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lighthouses 2023


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