When AI Takes Control Our Education

ARTICLES | Jun 13, 2021
When AI Takes Control Our Education

AI could change society, but not necessarily for the better…

Artificial intelligence, or AI, offers advantages in education. It can help analyze and design content for individual learners to enable more effective outcomes. But what if AI's functionality depends on the data input to create a prototype? This may cause bias if data lacks diversity and doesn’t cover all groups of people equally. Judging criteria are biased one way or another.

IBM and ProPublica (an independent US agency) examined AI processing in staff selection and crime analysis. The system shows gender and racial bias from its statistical data. The prototype can result in inequality and unjustified exclusion of some applicants. Educational institutions will have learners with similar economic and social characteristics, reducing diversity of thought and deepening education inequality.

Implications for the future:

-Bias and information discrimination can become a threat in education areas that directly affect social and economic inequality.

-Education institutions must establish multidimensional data-processing standards to bring AI into the system and use it effectively and without bias.

- Opening interesting new careers, AI will play a key role in education in the future.

Credits: Futurism, BBC, Automate.org

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